Father-Son Duo Shares Pastime of Slowly Pricing People Out of Downtown

This is almost as photoshopped as the original picture we wanted to use…

LA CROSSE, WIS — Most families have their favorite traditions, whether it be large gatherings for barbecues, traveling abroad for vacations, or even playing a few innings on the local baseball diamond. But one local father and son duo spend their quality time on something they say is even more special.

Don and Nick Weber, president and vice president of Weber Holdings, have shared the same passion for over a decade now.

“Dad and I like to get together every year and try to price out anyone in the area who is under 40,” Nick Weber said.

“When that first millennial couple comes to look at apartments or restaurants close to the center of town,” Don Weber said, “my son and I never feel closer than when they finally see that the cost is almost double of what they could ever afford on their salaries.”

During what they call their annual Prodigious Poor Purge (or PPP), the Webers say their joy comes from working together, finding new and interesting ways to make sure the undesirables can’t feasibly live near downtown La Crosse.

“You just don’t know how close your family can feel until you really do the work to make a town so exclusive, it’s restrictive,” Nick said.

“You know it’s funny,” Don said, tears welling up in his eyes. “Even though we don’t technically own La Crosse, every year it feels more and more like we do.”

Reporters Sam Shilts and Rachel Ruebens contributed to this article.